IF YOU SEE THIS MAN CALL POLICE IMMEDIATELY! He is a murderer and a psychopath, he escaped the facility! (PHOTO)
The father of the girl said for Babic that he is a violent, sudden and pathologically jealous person who sees enemies all around him, and they are in the brink of nervous brake down as a family
Family Salov from Rijeka lives in fear since they found out that the man, who tried to kill their daughter in 2009, escaped the psychiatric hospital on Rab.
Drago Babic shot in the head of the 19 year old Anita Salov in 2009, but he was never charged, because it was determined that he was "unable to process". Since he disapeared from the hospital on 22nd Jun, there has been no sight of him, and the Sahov family is in great fear and sore of the system, writes Novi list. Police is searching for him, and the last time he was seen in Kampor on Rab.
- We are desperate, mad, we function as a family on the verge of mental brake down. Police came to the door to inform us that Drago Babic escaped from the psychiatric hospital. And do you know when he escaped? 20 days ago. That' s why i called you, to warn all institutions that not only the system works badly, it doesn't work at all. We have no protection, no information, and that man is walking around freely. Don't you think i wouldn't love for my daughter to walk around instead of being a like a plant for the past 7 years - he told for the Novi list, sore Zeljko Salov, the father of the daughter whom Babic shot on the family doorstep in the family home in Soboli in January 2009.
Salov said for Babic that even with PTSD, the violent, sudden and pathologically jealous person sees only enemies around him.
- That man gout in argument with his neighbor six years ago, tried to kill him, and then left to poison himself with medications. He did not succeed, they saved him and put him on Rab What kind of institution is that when patients disappear, walk away from the hospital circle, some say that he is in vegetative state as well? They say he is certainly still on Rab, but i have the information that he has been seen in the bus 29 heading for Bakar. Who is crazy? How could he go from Rab, a ticket for ferry should be bought, he should go somewhere alone. How? They told me that he is unable to be processed, that's why there was no trial, any business capability has been taken away form him, he has been put in the institution where we are now - said desparate Salov.
The principal of Rab hospital Dr. Vesna Sendula Hengis said that Babic was lately placed in the locked department with the possibility of exit only withing hospital circle.
- In these four years, he has never left the hospital circle. His disappearance has been immediately noted and the search was issued. Rab police was notified, police the coast and Mountain rescue service. Also we started the internet search. In the first hour we got calls that he has been spotted on several places in the same time, and that unfortunately is not true. From the moment he disappeared around 30 employees went searching for him - said the hospital director.
Babic was born on 6th November 1953 in Teslic, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he is of medium built, graying hair and brown eyes. It is a bout a person with disability, hardly moving and hardly speaking, in the moment he went missing he had orange shirt, short gray-brown pants and blue shoes.
Considering that the search so far did not give any results, police is asking for help of the citizens. Any useful information can be delivered anonymously to 192, to the closest police station or the e-mail at primorsko-goranska@policija.hr.
In the last few days two more escapes of dangerous people were recorded, from prison. In Saturday in Pozega, after bringing to the prison, from the police car 33 year old Samir Kudizovic, citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Last weekend from the prison in Sisak Damir Sisakovic escape after "stretching" the bars on the cell window and going through them. But, Sisakovic, who was serving his sentence for robbing a betting place, was caught in less than 48 hours.
(Telegraf.co.uk / source: net.hr)