Are we in danger from West Nile fever EPIDEMICS? Experts warn us what should we do!
Experts say that there is a possibility for the epidemics like it was in 2013
West Nile fever could soon endanger Serbia, and experts say that we could expect epidemics.
First patients could appear in mid of Jul, and experts say that we should start with protection against mosquitoes, writes Alo.
Dr Dragan Ilic, director of the Institute for public health "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut" said that the West Nile fever key threat in Serbia, when it comes to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
- Based on the experience and the great epidemics we had in 2013, when there was around 300 seriously ill and 33 dead, and that can happen this year as well. We can expect it to appear in the second half of July, and especially in August. It is transmitted by domestic mosquitoes, an they get the virus from wild birds - said Dr Ilic.
Also he said that for protection from this disease the most important is treating the mosquitoes. He recommends the citizens to start protecting themselves by using the anti-mosquito means and to remove all containers that can have remaining water around the house because it is an ideal place for breeding mosquitoes. He states that it is important to wear long sleeves and stockings in the morning and evening.
He emphasizes that if we get high temperature, fever and headache, and we are bitten by mosquitoes, we should visit the doctors, and if needed, the infection clinic.
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Around 80% of the diseased do not have the symptoms, while around 8 can get serious clinical effigy which includes inflammation of the brain, and meninges, and it is necessary that they should be plugged to the respirator.
Fishermen are the most in danger because they go to places filled with wild birds and with lots of mosquitoes.
Dr Ilic reminds that - it is know that the infected mosquitoes do not go far from the source of infection, mostly 1 kilometer and a half from those birds.