HONEST TALK WITH SRDJAN DJOKOVIC: How we made Novak into champion

In relaxing conversation with the students of Information Technology High School (ITHS), Srdjan Djokovic told important events in his son growing up, describing how he gave his best and with really desperate conditions in the country make someone who rules a sport

Novak Djokovic never missed the opportunity to point out the importance of his family for what he did in his career. His case is a textbook example of how much the support of his closest ones is important to focus on certain goal, besides all the possible problems that could come on their way.

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Both Srdjan and Dijana were well aware of that, and they gave their best in extremely poor conditions in the country to make someone who rules a sport.

Precisely, about the role of the family in creating a superior sportsman, the father of the best tennis player in the word spoke on the lecture in Information Technology High School (ITHS), which was founded by the company "Comtrade" and "Link Group".

In a pretty open conversation with the students of the school, Djokovic shared only a fragment of his experience during Novak growing up.


- Many thought I talk nonsense when i talked about what will he accomplish. He did it all, as far as I am concerned, even a few years ago. What he does now is truly remarkable and I believe he will be the best tennis player in the history of sport. When you have a goal, and it becomes the most important thing in your life, everything becomes clear.

- Everything was dreadfully hard and expensive. People were often unrealistic in their thoughts about their children and sometimes they overreact. And that's a key to ruin your family. Jelena Gencic told me that she hasn't greater talent since Monica Seles, but i did not stop there. Few more expert said he will be the champion, and when it came to that, we, as a family, gave everything - what we had and what we didn't have.

- We sat down on one occasion and I asked him what does he want. He said: To be the number one. And then he grew in the worst moments in our troubled country.


Djokovic told a little anecdote about a tournament for tennis players up to 15 years, in a French city of Labola.

- Players from other countries had it all, and we gourd without roots - on our own, without any support from the Association, municipalities, city, state.

- We arrived late to the hotel, it was actually guest house with no air conditioning. 30 degrees outside, 50 in the inside. We wanted to open a door to make it easier but some Arabs were sleeping right outside. I don't know how we survived that night, but tomorrow i went to the tournament Director and told him that these are not good conditions for our son to give his best on this tournament.

- He assured me that it is an official hotel, but because i insisted, he told me that he can provide a different hotel, but with extra charge, but i said it was not a problem.

- And then, when Novak won the tournament, the director came to me and said: "You don't have to pay, anything Mr Djokovic, it was an honor". And what that tells you? You work hard with everything you got - said Djokovic, discovering that Novak understand it all better now when he became a parent himself.

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- On one occasion Novak and me were sitting, he was 13 years old and when he saw how much effort it takes, he said to me: Dad, it would be great if i make it to the to 20. I told him i disagree. He never mentioned it again.

The question emerged on its own - how did you feel putting so much pressure on a child?

- I showed him its not possible for him to be the number one, and he doesn't have to be the number one. Because if i said to him "yes Novak, it would be really good", maybe that sentence would affect his mental fall when he reached the top 20.

- I was harsh with him few times, because I could't show weakness in front of him. Only then did he realise he has to show maximal effort and commit himself.

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It is familiar experiences that Novak's parents had to be indebted do carry out the burden of the his training. Djokovic told how it came to that.

- I had to be friends with the worst people in the country, because those who make money on other's misfortune can only be scum. Novak and I planed a trip to the tournament in the USA for players up to 18 years old. The president of Partizan at the time, told me he will pay for the expenses of the trip, only to say that there is no money 10 days before we should take off.

- I needed the money urgently so i went to a loan shark, telling him i needed the money till tomorrow because of the plain tickets. He watched me talking to him and said: You know, I have an interest of 12% per month, but because you are in such a hurry, for you its 15%. I watched him for a few seconds and i took the money. When i got home, i locked myself in the bathroom and broke my arms and legs out of anger.

- If the money were for me, it would all be different. But this was for my child.


Literally, untill his coming of age, Novak was spared of knowing in what situation their family was.

- Not even then i wanted for him to know, but it happened by accident. After constant travels with him for 15 years, we had two of his trainers with us. After one training, i told him to hurry up because mom is making a launch, on what he responded that he wont go. "Get in the car or ill make you" - made other trainees laugh.

- Than he said to me: "Trainers told me that ill be adult soon, and that i have to do some things on my own". And I responded to him: "If you are so adult, you will hear about all the things we did for you... No, those shops weren't our, they are rented. No, these apartments we lived in aren't ours, they we rented". He cried, and after that we never spoke of it again.


- On one occasion I was approached by a young man, around 15 years old, and with a shivering voice said: My mother loves Novak more than me. He started to cry, and i was talking to him for good half an hour.  I told him that it's not like that, he is the most important to his mother, and she only wants for him to be as successful as Novak, whatever he may do - said Djokovic, pointing out how much we should be careful with children.

Scorning of other's success we justify our failure, said Srdjan Djokovic in the segment of the story how nobodies jealousy and envy should affect on accomplishing one own goals. He discovered:

- Do you know that only parent that came to me after anything i went through and asked if i had any advice? Predrag Danilovic. Out celebrated basketball player, who is working hard over his daughter Olga, who will be a true champion.
