Bojan and Radomir among the most wanted criminals in Europe, they robed MILLIONS (PHOTO)

On the list of the most wanted robbers in Europe are Bojan Dragicevic from Banja Luka and Radomir Cvijanovic (32) from Doboj

Among the 46 most wanted European robbers are two men from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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There are Bojan Dragicevic (34) from Banja Luka and Radomir Cvijanovic (32) from Doboj, who is suspected to have participated in the "robbery of the century" in Ljubljana, when the thieves got away with 33 million euro. 

Slovenian police is searching him for 11 years for robbery of SKB bank, where 428 safes were broken into and was taken around 20 million euro, with other valuables worth around 13 mullion euro. In that robbery, 5 armed men broke in bank, using the security code for the vault users disabling two guards in the process.

It is about well organized and sophisticated robbery, safety experts pointed out, but also that the security was very weak and the alarms were not connected to the security center or police headquarters near the bank.

Dragivecic has robbed the office of HVB Split bank in the center of Sibenik twice. First time he stole 350.000 kuna (or 47.000 euro), and the second time almost half a million kuna ( around 66.000 euro).

According to the verdict, the robbery was organized in Banja Luka, where he was arrested in May 2012. then delivered to Croatia. The weapons and stolen money was never found.

After he was put in prison in Lipoglava, Dragicevic escaped jumping out of the window of the room when guards left him without supervision. He jumped on a parked car and ran away, but the police managed to catch him on the same day. After the escape, he was transferred to Pula next year, from where he also managed to escape, when he was returning from a walk, jumping over a wall tall 3 meters.

Prison police shot three rounds of warning into the air and then shot at him, but couldn't hit him. At that moment the prison manager resigned. Because of this case disciplinary proceedings against 3 guards were started.

( / source: Radio Sarajevo)