LITTLE GIRL INJURED AT HOTEL MOSCOW: Traffic accident in downtown Belgrade

16 year old girl was transferred to Institute for Orthopedics in Banjica

Ambulance had 122 interventions last night in Belgrade of which 27 were in a public place, there were five traffic accidents where five people sustained injuries.

TRAGEDY IN PRIBOJ: Two young men crashed off the road, one dead, other severely injured! (PHOTO)

In 20:25 on the corner of Jurij Gagarin street and Dusan Vukasovic street  a man was injured, who was refused to be hospitalised, said for Tanjug spokesman of the Ambulance Nada Macura.

In the traffic accident that happened on Terazije at Hotel Moscow in 22:32, 16 year old girl sustained injuries, and she was transferred to the Institute for Orthopedics in Banjica

Another female person (38) was injured in 22:47 at the corner of new Novi Sad road and Ugrinovacka street, then transferred to the Emergency room. On Pancevo road, at "Eko" gas station, there was a traffic accident at 23:17 where 2 males were injured, one refused further hospitalization and the second was moved to the ER. Car crash occurred in Prvomajska street as well at 19:31, but no one was hurt, said Macura. 

As she stated, during last night, they received most calls from people suffering from asthma and hypertonic people. There has been 169 interventions yesterday by the ambulance of which 60 were in public places, including six car crashes where 8 people sustained injuries.

( / Tanjug)