CROATS HAVE FIERCE PROBLEM: They have another 5 days to fulfill these conditions, otherwise the EU will rigorously punish them

Croatia still has 5 days left to get the Law of tobacco in line with EU

Croatia, like all other members of the Union to 20 May, and it is in four days - on the issue of tobacco products must be harmonized with Europe.

CROATIA REMOVES SEAL FROM USE: They will save a lot of money and reduce administration costs

From the Ministry of resources they are justifying their actions with the analysis of professional government  sectors - and hope that Europe will turn a blind eye and move deadlines a little, without charge fines.

Croatia still has 5 days left to get the Law of tobacco in line with EU.

- It is momentarily on the daily review by parts of expert governmental bodies and I believe it will soon be on the agenda of the Government. Most probably we will have to move a little this period in our case. Will we be penalized? Hardly anyone is able to give a responsible answer to that, it depends on the EU - said Ivan Bekavac, Deputy Minister of Health.

The opposition is sure that deadlines will be achieved, but also that Europe will not tolerate delay.

- Hungary was recently been punished with a fine of 15 thousand euros for each day of delay enactment of the law, I believe that the European Commission in terms of this Act to be very rigorous - said Sinisa Varga, a former health minister.

Rigorous the Directive. It stipulates that two thirds of the box warnings and a picture, prohibits any additional flavors, except menthol, which will be removed by 2020.

The aim is to reduce the number of smokers, especially new smokers, because in only two minutes,from the consequences of smoking for 15 people there will be death. According to data from the World Health Organization, about 600 thousand non-smokers die each year from passive smoking.

( / source: dnevnik:hr)