WOULD HORATIO CAINE SOLVE THIS? Police are looking for - a boatman, a cyclist with a cap, a man with a cane...

Inspectors of the Ministry of Internal affairs directed the investigation in several directions, checking all the possible scenarios

The search for the killer of Jelena Marjanovic entered it's fifth week, and traces that police are still encountered as only further complicate the investigation, rather than to bring someone who has- apparently - on the river bank in the village Borca, Crvenka 2 April cruelly killed the singer.

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In the absence of eyewitnesses who could so far contact the police and tell them anything about the murder of singer, inspectors focused their investigation in several directions, checking all the possible scenarios and examining everybody, at least in theory, that could at that fatal day see Jelena or her killer.

One of them is Kanis Veselinovic, better known in the media as "a man with a stick," who was in the evening, when Jelena Marjanovic, according to her husband jogged on the bank, walked this path.

This man, daily goes out for a walk due to health problems, however, does not wear a watch, so I do not even know what time it was on the bank, but argues that all the time he was looking at the ground and noticed no one.


The following potential witnesses is a man on a bicycle, which is mentioned by Jelena's husband Zoran, stating that, since it had lost out of sight, he encountered a cyclist whom he asked if he happened to see a woman who was running.

INCREDIBLE TWIST: Main suspect of murder of a Serbian Singer - HER HUSBAND! He didn't pass polygraph test, TWICE!

When the authorities took in consideration that, besides highway, he could have gone with a boat over the Daunabe, the police started looking for a boatman, who would, in that case, could have valuable information.

THE PLACE OF HORROR AND TORTURE: This is where the body of Serbian singer was found (PHOTO)

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In addition to these people, the police is an interested for a certain blue car, which is claimed to bee seen few days before the murder on the bank, while the "same" one, first days after the murder, was parked in front of the house Marjanovic.
