For their progress requires physical and neuro stimulating treatments, stem cells treatment, neurological treatments, nonsurgical operations, inspections and necessary eye surgery...
Milica (3) and Mihailo (3) Lukic are brother and sister, twins born prematurely who battle for life began to run from the first day. Due to a very difficult birth of their mother there has been numerous consequences for their health.
To Mihailo doctors gave minimum chance to survive, but his desire and will to live has won. One year after birth he spent in the hospital. After several operations of the head and brain, bleeding in the brain, hydrocephalus, persistent infections, epilepsy, problems with the lungs, eyes, heart surgery thrombus on, after the daily struggle for life, after a full year came to his house. Fought for life despite all the difficulties, but the consequences have remained.
Mihailo is still unable to hold its own head up, to sit, to walk, or speak, he is behind in psycho motor development and is completely dependent on the help of others.
His sister Milica also has plenty of diagnosis. The doctors of various specialties, including: psychiatrists, neurologists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists and other from day to day follow her condition. Milica is still not able to walk,can not sit steady, delayed in psycho motor development and this makes it difficult for her to engage in normal social life.
Milica and Mihailo are the greatest support to each other. It understand each other the best, they love to play and spend time together.
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For their progress requires physical and neuro stimulating treatments, stem cells treatment, neurological treatments, nonsurgical operations, inspections and necessary eye surgery, rehabilitation in spas, occupational therapy, hydro and psychotherapy, provision of orthopedic and other aids, speech therapist, special education teacher, regular scanners, supply of drugs, vitamins and supplements to strengthen them.
Milica and Mihailo's parents are not able to continue to provide the means for self-treatment and are forced to seek help from all good and humane people so for the twins to hope for a more normal life and a better tomorrow.
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You can help Milici and Mihailo via SMS, by typing the number 142 and send to 3030. SMS cost a hundred dinars. You can also help with a payment to RSD or foreign currency account and with bank card on link e-donate that you can find on the site
Your little is everything for Milica and Mihailo!