ICE CREAM ARRIVED AND IT'S BLIZZARD OUTSIDE IN SPRING: This photo from Nevesinje is hit on Facebook! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
This April day in Nevesinje reminded people on winter wonders and magic
In Nevesinje this morning was recorded unusual sight for month of April, because there was 5-6 centimeters of snow in the streets. Wind is enhanced and the temperature around 0, so it reminds on a winder day, reports portal
CRAZY WEATHER, SNOW IN SPRING: Watch how it snows in Serbia! (VIDEO)
However, cold and snow in Nevesinje in April are not so uncommon, because there have been records in the past few years of the similar weather.
It is expected to stop snowing till the end of the day, but the temperature won't go up past 6 degrees.
On social networks there are pictures and videos where the city is covered in white veil.
Watch the video: