CROATIANS ARE MASTURBATING TO SERBIANS: What you will about to see will shock you! (PHOTO)
We knew that Croatian woman have hots for Serbs, but that Croatian men are secretly masturbating on Serbian girls, we did not know that
One of the biggest porn site in the world, xHamster, has brought us data about searches from this region, and what surprised us the most is, that in Croatia, the most searched term is "Serbian".
FROM BAD TO WORSE: These porn are Serb's favorites, Croatians are even worse! (INFOGRAPHICS)
Of course, there are woman that watch porn too, but it is far less than men, so it is logical that most of those searches were typed in by a male hand, and the free one. because the other one was busy with masturbation.
As you can see in in the xHamster analysis, the term "Serbian" was far ahead in front of the others, while the term "Croatian" was on the third place. As would our people say - someone else's sweeter. Everybody like to take a peek to their neighbors yard, even over internet.