Once they were old and dilapidated, and now THE WHOLE ZEMUN TALKS ABOUT THESE COLORFUL STAIRS! (PHOTO)
Besides being painted in the colors of the municipalities, on them will be written the names of the most famous residents
A several months long struggle of Zemun resident Nenad Hegedis to obtain approval to refresh the stairs on Kalvarija has finally finished. As soon municipals gave him the approval to work on stairs, a 10 member crew of enthusiasts got down to business and started to paint the symbol of Kalvarija in green and blue colors.
Artist Natasa Culina is writing names on them of the most recognizable people of Zemun, by choice of chronicler Branko Najhold, and it was confirmed also by the members of the Facebook group "Zemunci za stepenica" (People of Zemun for the stairs).
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In this way we will show respect to the mathematician Milos Radojcic, actor Milos Zutic, football player Sinisa Gajin, pianist Lidija Bizjak. On one of the 128 stairs there will be an imprint for legendary mayor of Belgrade Branko Pesic.
- I was determined to make this stairs beautiful on my own even if i don't get the approval. Authorities verbally agreed that we can continue our work. Judging by the reactions of the people who were coming to us daily while we were working, asking to help us and congradulate on the idea, i was sure that i could continue my progress even without the permit. No one would want to go to the Police to report the initiative that has a goal making Zemun more beautiful - explains Hegedis.
Now that everything is according to law, he expect the stairs to be finished in two - three weeks.
- That wont be the end of our work. We want to make this place one of the tourist attractions of Zemun. Najhold will hold lectures about people whose names we wrote and we plan on placing an enormous board which will provide information about people from Zemun to every passerby - says Nenad.
Here we will organize sport manifestations, for egzample, racing up and down the stairs, but we also plan on putting up various exhibitions.