REC proclaims final electoral list

Serbia's Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) proclaimed the collective electoral list, containing a total of 20 lists, late on Wednesday.

BELGRADE - Serbia's Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) proclaimed the collective electoral list, containing a total of 20 lists, late on Wednesday.

Appearing first on the ballot will be the 'Aleksandar Vucic — Serbia wins' list. 'For a Just Serbia — Democratic Party (Nova, DSHV, ZZS)' is apearing second, followed by 'Ivica Dacic - Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) - United Serbia (JS) - Dragan Markovic Palma'.

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The fourth is 'Dr Vojislav Seselj - Serbian Radical Party', 'Dveri - Democratic Party of Serbia - Sanda Raskovic-Ivic - Bosko Obradovic' is the fifth and 'Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians - Istvan Pastor' the sixth.

Appearing under number seven will be 'Boris Tadic - Cedomir Jovanovic - Alliance for a Better Serbia - LDP-LSV-SDS', followed by 'Muamer Zukorlic - Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandzak' under number eigth.

The ninth is 'SDA of Sandzak - Dr Sulejman Ugljanin' and 'For a Free Serbia - Zavetnici - Milica Djurdjevic" will appear under number 10.

Under number 11 goes 'Citizen's Group For Serbia's Revival - Prof Dr Slobodan Komazec'. 'Russian Party - Slobodan Nikolic' is twelwth, 'Republican Party - Nikola Sandulovic' is thirteenth and 'Serbo-Russian Movement - Slobodan Dimitrijevic' is fourteenth.

'Borko Stefanovic - Serbia for us all' is appearing under number 15, 'Dialogue - Youth with attitude - Stanko Debeljakovic' under number 16, 'It's Enough! - Sasa Radulovic' under number 17, followed by 'Party for Democratic Action - Ardita Sinani' under 18 and 'Green Party' under 19.

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'Out of spite - United for Serbia - National Alliance' will appear last on the ballot, under number 20.

RIK President Dejan Djurdjevic said that a total of 30 electoral lists had been submitted, three lists - United Russian Party, None of the Above and Roma List - withdrew their candidacy, and one had been rejected by RIK.

Djurdjevic said that the 20 lists total 3,270 candidates for members of parliamnt.

A total of 6,771,497 ballots will be printed and the vote for National Assembly deputies will take place on April 24 .

( / Tanjug)