Marko has a REVOLUTIONARY IDEA, which will change working out in gyms forever! (PHOTO)
When you walk in a gym like this, there is no difference, it looks like every other gym, But, below it there are generators connected with the devices and they generate power which goes to batteries
If the student of mechanical engineering Marko D. Živanović manages to realize his idea "Gym at Tesla's". Next year people from Niš could, while developing their muscles, at the same time generate electricity while working on equipment connected to the generators.
Živanović, who is interested since childhood in kinetic energy, is participating with this idea in a competition, and in autumn, after training with mentors, he will know if he will get a half a million dinars to gather a team of young experts and with them realize a plan to create a gym which creates electricity.
When you walk in a gym like this, there is no difference, it looks like every other gym, But, below it there are generators connected with the devices and they generate power which goes to batteries.
At first, it would serve only for the gym, to reduce the price for electricity and membership, and the goal is to with the help of technology create even more power which we would offer to the Electric Utility Company.
- Those small generators cost around 100 Euro a piece, and I would find a way to make them with cheaper materials and sell them for 20 Euros max. On one device should be placed around 10 generators, and if you have 10 generators in your gym, those hundred little generators could create enough power to power up an entire park - says Marko.
If he gets the money for this nice idea, he will need a team of experts to work with him. He explains that he needs both Electrical and Mechanical engineers, architect who knows graphical design and an IT expert, who doesn't have to have a finished college but "he has to be professional".
The crew would not work for free, he says, but they will receive after realization of certain tasks a certain amount of money.