RUSSIA IS MAKING FUN OF CROATIA: You bought the airplanes from blocks set!

Croatia paid more than 13 million Euros to repair 7 MiG-21 airplanes in Ukraine, and to buy 5 more of the same type

A scandal blew out in Croatia because of the army airplanes after it was discovered that the airplanes MiG-21 - now unable to fly - were made out of different parts in Ukraine.

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Former Croatian Defense Minister threatened to kill himself if the allegations are true, reports Russia Today.

Croatian security services and the Defense Ministry opened an investigation about the 2013 contract between that Ministry and one Ukrainian company.

Croatia was obliged to pay 13 million Euros for 7 airplanes to get repaired and to buy 5 more of the same type.

However, these 5 airplanes were not delivered according to the contract, revealed Juatrnji list news agency.

They had been made out of different parts from various countries in the world.

According to their sources, there are indications that the body of the plane came from Bulgaria, wings from Algeria, while the fuel tanks came from USSR.

Bulgaria had reported to NATO that they destroyed all their MiG-21 airplane types, so it poses a question how these parts ended up in Croatia.

Wings from Algeria had French marks, but also marks on Cyrillic from Russia.

When the Croatian authorities tried to inspect the airplanes, Ukrainians switched them with the ones from Yemen, report Russian media.

Repair process had looked suspicious from the start.

Namely, according to the contract, pilot Ivan Selak was supposed to test the airplanes before they were sold.

However, he did not have the permission because of "bad weather" or "flight risks over populated area".

In the end, when the airplanes were supposed to be delivered back, the civil war erupted in Ukraine so they were delivered in trucks.

One "repaired" airplane had engine problem while flying on 13 km height, and the other did not have the radar.

After that it was discovered that all airplanes have communication equipment from USSR time and that it is barely compatible with NATO standards.

Airplanes did not have the equipment necessary for Croatian army to take part in NATO operations.

- We do not know which airplanes we got, everything is ruined - said one of the sources for Jutarnji list.

This agreement with Ukraine launched a scandal inside of military elite in Croatia.

Former minister, Ante Kotromanovic, who was in the Ministry at that time, insists that everything was clear and he denies his guilt, reports Russia Today.

- I was accused of favoring Ukrainian offer. I will shoot myself if these allegations prove true - he stated.
