A horrible graffiti at the XVIII century mosque in Serbia! (PHOTO)

The wall of the mosque was desecrated around 2 AM, March 8, at the moment when the police officer was at the back end of the building

Islam-aga's mosque in the city of Niš was desecrated early this morning despite the fact that the police have been observing this religious object since 2004.

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The wall of the mosque was desecrated around 2 AM, March 8, at the moment when the police officer was at the back end of the building.

During the investigation process it was concluded that there were no elements of the criminal act.

Dragan Đorđević from the Human rights board said that the state is bound to protect the religious objects despite the lack of real threat.

Even though this is just a "show-off", the state should react.

- This is not the first time that the mosque was partially destroyed, despite the physical security. A camera should be installed like it was done with the monument of Šaban Bajramović. The monument was also destroyed, but now the situation is different - said Đorđević.

Just to remind, the Islam-aga's mosque is under the protection of the state since 1954.

It was built in 1870 on the foundations of the old mosque dating from 1720 and it is the only remaining out of 19 mosques in the city of Niš during the Ottoman reign.
