Who pays for a prostitute in Serbia, HIS SPOUSE AND CHILDREN WILL FIND ABOUT IT, and they will pay the 1200 Euro fine!?
- It is necessary to punish both sides in prostitution chain - says the lawyer Veljko Delibašić
In addition to prostitutes being the only ones under the thumb of the law, the people who are "buying" their services will maybe soon join them.
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They will have to pay a fine that ranges from 400 up to 1200 Euro, if the proposed legislation article in the law is declared legal.
So far, only "ladies of the night" were being punished, so a change was proposed to the article No. 16 in the existing law.
Stefana Miladinović, an MP from the SPS political party, said that she found the idea in Swedish laws.
- Most countries of the EU are acting according to the Nordic, Swedish model when dealing with prostitution. This model has been shown to be the most effective in bringing down the level of prostitution but also on the field of human trafficking. I proposed something which is a combination of that model and our practice, Croatia is the only country in the region that acts in a similar manner, by punishing both sides - says Stefana Miladinović and adds:
- In Sweden, the level of prostitution dropped for 70% in a couple of years, and this was a major blow for the sex-traffickers. The punishment for a person dabbling in prostitution or uses the services would range between 400 and 1200 Euro, and the court will decide about that.
The lawyer Veljko Delibašić thinks that it has no meaning to punish just one side of the prostitution ring.
- Both parties should be punished. As long there are users, there will be providers of those services. We should first deal with the users, because when we have done with them, the prostitution level will also go down. This is a real threat for them, because they will fear that their families will find about it .When they get the subpoena from the court, there is a great possibility that the family members will find about it. And that knowledge will lead many people away from the prostitution - said Veljko Delibašić.