A MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF A RUSSIAN WOMAN IN BELGRADE: First she disappeared, and then all her social media profiles were deleted! (PHOTO)

It is an even bigger mystery that social media profiles of Marija and her husband were deleted right after the disappearance

Russian and Serbian police force, in coordination with Interpol, have been searching since late October for a Russian resident Maria Model who had mysteriously disappeared along with her husband in Belgrade.

Refugee mystery in Montenegro: He claims he has got confidential information, a fake passport, and that he is being followed by ISIS and Al-Qaeda

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Maria used to live with her husband in Budva, Montenegro, and they flew in to Belgrade on October 17, 2015.

According to the police files, they entered Serbia at 8:30 in the morning and have not officially left it since.

However, Maria has not responded to her friends' calls, nor her parents' and they fear that she was kidnapped or even sold into slavery.

Her parents claim that she called them on 16 October for the last time and that since then they have not been able to contact her even though she used to call them regularly when she went to live in Montenegro in April 2015.

Maria's disappearance was reported to the Russian police, who then contacted Serbian police force and Interpol who joined the search for Maria.

Additional mystery is that all the social media profiles of Maria and her husband were deleted right after the disappearance.

Maria's parents suspect that her husband had something to do with her disappearance because he had had problems with the police in Tomsk and Barnaul, Russia, due to drug trafficking.

They claim that there is a possibility that she was sold into slavery because of which they engaged an attorney in Serbia.

If you see this girl somewhere in Serbia, report it to the nearest police station or call the number 192.
