IN SERBIA LOOTS A MAN WHO PROMISES LOVE AND VILLAS: Deceived women caution that this is all a lie!
- He's cheap and all he needs is a woman who will work and be his servant, and for him to enjoy - states in this unusual petition
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According to the signatories, this man poses as a wealthy returnee from Switzerland, and is in fact a fraud who deceived many women promising them love, palaces and cities of which ultimately there is not nothing.
The creator of the petition stated that with this, she wants to help all women from falling for the deception and lies of the gentleman who promises love, security and villas, because as she says - it's all a lie!
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- He's cheap and all he needs is a woman who will work and be his servant, and for him to enjoy - states in the petition.
Comments beneath the test include women who have been cheated, saying this man can not be trusted.
We relay you the text in its entirety:
"Dear ladies, in this manner I want to help all women from falling for deception and lies.
THE LOVE OF TWO MEN: The marriage between Serbian and Croatian, this is their story!
Specifically, it is about a man who deceives women and it must end! If you come in contact with someone who promises you everything (love, security, villas, towers and much more), note that you are the next victim because nothing will come of it. He is cheap and all he needs is a woman who will work and be his servant and for him to enjoy!
Beware ladies, until it is too late! Do not answer the call of a liar and fraud! S. J. is a man who knows no love and you will never feel protection beside him!
I hope that I will hereby be able to protect as many women, because such a person does not deserve anything, and for a short period was married 10 times.
All the best! "