WE LIVE SURROUNDED BY THE DEAD! A terrible secret from a village in southern Serbia!

In this village there are 13 cemeteries, but it hides another dark secret

In the village of Vodice located about seven kilometers from Prokuplje there are 12 wild and one village cemetery, and the deceased have been lately buried exclusively on their properties.

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Usually the funeral is in the orchard, but there was a case where a man was buried above his home. Although it is against the law, nobody so far has been punished, and as a reason for burials outside the permitted places, locals are claiming that they do not have money to pay for the burial plot in the graveyard that serves for Vodice, Draganj and Bele Vode.

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- This practice has taken hold, and no one can get in its way. It all started when those who own the cemetery plot started to collect money. Many, when an unexpected death in the family happens, have no money, and they bury the deceased in his estate - says the president of the local community Vodice Momcilo Djordjevic.

One resident of the village said that they began to bury them in "partisan" style, and the village is now surrounded by eerie graveyards.

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- It's insane what they are doing. I understand that 100 or 200 euros, as I heard is the cost of a square meter in the village cemetery, is a lot of money, but it really makes no sense. We live surrounded by the dead - says resident who did not want his name mentioned.

In the last census, the village had230 residents, while the number of people living in it is certainly smaller, but with the latest trend, in the future there will be more cemeteries than residents.
