DADDY'S LITTLE BOY TERRORIZES EVERYONE IN SCHOOL, NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING TO HIM: He smashed a teacher's car and curses during class!
Six windows have been smashed, windshields too, tires slashed, broken mirrors. He took the license plate and beat up the paintwork. The damage is about 2,500 euros - says the teacher's husband
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- That little bandit has made us 2,500 euros in damages for the car - speaks with astonishment and shock the husband of the teacher, A. T. and adds that this is just one in a series of incidents that this boy has done in the school and the environment.
In their building is an empty apartment in which the boy brings comrades, and due to their rampage police often intervene tells the concerned man.
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- My wife complained that the student saw her coming out of the car, and now knows where she lives. A few days later, he completely demolished the car. Six windows were smashed, the windshield broken, tires slashed, broken mirrors. He took the license plate and beat up the paintwork. The damage is about 2,500 euros - says A. T. adding that the police filed criminal charges against the juvenile.
He adds that this student uses profanities towards his wife during class, like f*ck off, and beats up other kids and threatens professors.
He was subject to disciplinary proceedings, but these people are living in fear that the bandit will seek revenge, and now fear for their safety.
In addition to his son, the father of the delinquent calls professors on the phone and threatens them. The school principal says he has done everything in his power.
- The maximum penalty for his behavior is a failing grade and a disciplinary measure from the teachers' council. What's up to me, I have done - said the director of the school S. Čamprag.
The prosecution has been informed about this event. There are more criminal charges against the boy, and his father who is also problematic is known to police.