IN THE MIDDLE OF BELGRADE: We encountered the most expensive underwear in the world, we fainted when we saw what they look like (PHOTO)
We were shocked when we saw what 500 euro underwear looks like!
THEY STOLE OVER ROOFTOPS: SPIDERMAN brothers returned buried GOLD worth 16.5 million dinars! (PHOTO)
COUNTRY, WILL YOU ACT NOW? Against the agency whose bus flipped over, complaints are already being launched! (VIDEO)
A scene from the center of Belgrade that will shock or make you smile!
We thought that such stories are only gossip, but when we come across them, we were totally reassured.
Belgrade has, and can offer underwear of 5000 dinars, 100, 200 and 500 euros. We thought that only the world-famous stars have the opportunity to wear these trunks, but we realize that people were buying them in large quantities.
Take a look at the trunks of a few hundred euros: