PANIC IN BOR: What they found in their car SHOCKED THE WHOLE TOWN! (PHOTO)

Police officers and representatives of the Bor Zoo immediately came to the scene as well as a members of the Serbian Mountain Rescue team

The process of pulling the snake out of the car lasted a whole three hours, which was parked at the Agency "Aster", which is located near the kindergarten "Bambi" and the city's main promenade.

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The snake on the car was spotted by citizens who called the police. Police officers and representatives of the Bor Zoo immediately came to the scene as well as a members of the Serbian Mountain Rescue and a member of the rescue company at RTB Dejan Bogdanovic Keka who drew the snake out of the car with a clamp.

- The snake hid in the bumper and tried to enter the trunk. After some time searching where it hid, I pulled it out of the car with a clamp stick. The snake was frightened and aggressive, and when we removed it, we immediately placed it in a basket for snakes and removed it from the premises - said Bogdanovic.

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It was an Aesculapius snake of about one meter, for whom it is not known how it got into a car in the city. The snake was released in nature after being caught.

- I appeal to citizens that if we notice a snake in the city to immediately call the police, and not to kill them, because it is a protected species - said Mirjana Maric, v. d. Director of the Bor Zoo.
