Mihajlovic: Serbia confirmed as a stability factor in region

Serbian Minister of Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic stated that the visit of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and his participation in the Vienna Economic Forum in Tirana has once more shown that Serbia is a factor of stability in the region

In an interview for Tanjug, she said that Serbia collaborated with Albania in a joint working group over the past few months in view of proposing tangible projects and prime ministers, primarily of Serbia and Albania, should put forth several important projects of regional importance at the summit on Western Balkans in Vienna in late August.

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It is certain that we will prepare the protocol between Serbia and Albania in the next 15 days which will then be signed by the two prime ministers, and perhaps it will also include Montenegro. The document will cover the highway across Kosovo to the Albanian port, Mihajlovic said and added that the talks would cover the reconstruction of the Serbian railways as well.

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“Everything we are doing is being incorporated in the main network of European interconnections. Western Balkan countries and their infrastructure projects are for one part already in the EU. This is the message of the forum and the prime minister's visit,” Mihajlovic said concluding her visit to Tirana.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ Tanjug)