THE HAGUE HATES SERBS: Commotion in the Hague Tribunal for the blackmailing of Serbia to return Seselj!
The judges of the Appeals Chamber of the Hague Tribunal Bahtijar Tuzmukhamedov and Kofi Kumelija Afanđe believe that the decision of the Chamber was premature and unjustified
Accoring to "Politika", in a joint opinion, they both rated the premature decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Hague Tribunal that the Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj be returned from Serbia to the supervision of officials in the Netherlands by May 26th or as soon as practicable after that date.
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In their joint opinion, as relayed by "Politika", Tuzmukhamedov and Afanđe state that the Appeals Chamber was not sent confidential information about Seselj's poor health condition.
As a result, they argue, any reasonable interpretation of the Appeals Chamber, to the Trial, has left needed space so as to fulfill its judicial
function, which includes considering all factors relevant to the withdrawal of the interim release.
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"In addition, the Chamber decided by the majority of the members of the Appeals Chamber, has yet to assess Seselj's possible further interim release and all that without any consideration of the newly collected information on Seselj's health condition. Bearing in mind the specific circumstances of this case, the interpretation that the Court revoked discretion in enforcing the Appeals Chamber could be an extremely negative impact on the rights of the accused ", according to the common opinion of Tuzmukhamedov and Afanđe.
The conclusion of the two judges is that despite an order from the Appeals Chamber that Seselj's provisional release immediately be withdrawn, the Chamber only acted reasonably when the order of the Appeals Chamber interpreted the interests of efficiency and justice, and therefore believe that the decision of the majority of the members of the Appeals Chamber is premature and unjustified, informs "Politika".
The order of the Appeals Chamber was not signed by two of the five judges - Tuzmukhamedov and Afanđe.
( Tanjug)