Vucic, Pupovac: Governments' cooperation important for Serbs
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic had a meeting on Saturday with Milorad Pupovac, president of the Serb National Council (SNV) in Croatia, at which they agreed that the cooperation between the governments of Serbia and Croatia is crucial in addressing all open issues, including the ones referring to the position of Serbs in this country
Pupovac thanked Vucic on the genuine support to promoting the position of Serbs in Croatia and the government's commitment to cooperation with the Croatian government.
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They agreed that intensifying communication and cooperation between the two governments is crucial for solving all open issues, including the ones referring to the position of Serbs in Croatia.
Vucic underlined that the Serbian government stands ready to maintain full cooperation with the Croatian government with an eye to promoting bilateral relations as an important condition for stability in the entire region.
( Tanjug)