Kusturica predicted everything: Here's how World War III will start and who will burn in the atomic infernos!
- Military experts do not dispute that Americans have the most organized army but there are unsolvable Puzzles for NATO generals who have named on Russian rocke Satan. It has three warheads that fly by order 11,000 kilometers away - wrote the Serbian film director
We transmit you the text in its entirety:
"Will there be a Third World War?! There is not one man who is not bothered by this question! Not only because the war would put an end to culture and civilization. People who would still be alive, and would not cease to wonder why we whitewashed in vain for thousands of years !? No need for culture and civilization!? Pessimistically we remember the fairy tale where the miller is killed by the grindstone, but we live thanks to the ability of postponing the most difficult questions and tasks. Until we can address the issues and tasks that we find right in front of us. Nowhere to go, we turn a blind eye before the cathartic plot and drama between man and the atomic bomb!?
In fact we are afraid of being burned in a nuclear hell! And what is the worst is that everyone will burn. And those who tried to be good and that sacrificed themselves, along with scum! All in the same atomic fire! Is there, then, hope for man, or he is definitely a lost cause!?!
On the planet things are different from the way they were during the Cold War! Therefore, it is pointless to talk about returning to the old state of things and listening again to Henry Kissinger frightening us. In the meantime, China has become the most powerful economy in the world, Russia has recovered from perestroika, India is turning into a giant! Military experts do not deny that the Americans have the most organized army but there exists an unsolvable puzzle for NATO generals, one Russian rocket called Satan. It has three warheads flying toward the goal of 11,000 kilometers away in that neither knows which way to the goal. But, experts say, it arrives where it should.
38,000 Russian soldiers take part in surprise drills!
The devil never comes alone! Simultaneously with this missile, and numerous innovations in the Russian arms appeared on the television Russia News Today. The program is broadcast in English and is watched by about seven hundred million people in two hundred countries. The secret of success of this television is its breaking of Hollywood CNN-type stereotypes about good guys and bad guys where regularly, Blacks, Hispanics, Russians, and Serbs are the villains and white Americans are Ok, whichever way you slice it. Congressmen and employees of the State Department constantly complain about RT.
Jim Carrey, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United States is the loudest. He's mad at RT journalists and says that it is propaganda and that this television is funded by the Kremlin. Russian authorities are silent knowing that in addition to Russian mistakes, real propaganda machinery collapsed the Soviet Union and that everything was in correlation with the State Department. Today, this Correlation is expressed through self-censorship of journalists and is based on immorality which is also called political correctness! Kerry and the Congressmen are bothered that RT sends a signal that the world is not only determined by the fatalism of liberal capitalism, that the United States introduced the world into chaos, that Monsanto produces healthy food, that Coca-Cola is ideal for cleaning wheel covers on the car and not to the human stomach, that in Serbia the percentage of people who die of cancer increased sharply due to the NATO bombing in 1999, that the social Map of America is falling by the day, that the CIA's fingerprints on the Ukrainian crisis, and that the Black Waters fired at Ukrainian police, in addition to Majdan activists?!
CNN live broadcasts attempt to convince that America has been leading humanitarian actions since the 90s rather than wars and that from fighter jets angels are dropping and not bombs! In the circle of evil that close war, capital, profit, justification of the atrocities of World War II in Cambodia, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Syria! US Marines fought all these wars with those that were weaker than them.
So far, the current tensions between Russia and America regarding Ukraine does not look like a conflict that can grow into a nuclear war! Not only because of Satan and the Armate tank, but because of the military parade at which Vladimir Vladimirovich spoke with the Chinese President the whole time. Did they then agree to, as Russia Today reports, increase the percentage of trade in goods over the yuan and the ruble, and to increase this exchange by seven percent this year, which is nothing more than an announcement, nothing to the falling dollar in the near future, for the game on the Eurasian continent. Is this why John Kerry suddenly arranged a meeting with his Russian counterpart and is hurrying to Sochi! Does he have a task to convince Lavrov how Russia is better off in an alliance with caucasians rather than asians, or has he a little incentive to loosen the link between Moscow and Beijing!
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As time passes, Russia Today will increasingly demystify the American Dream, in prime time it will the truth of decades hidden truth from the eyes and hearts of average Americans, presented in perfect English, better articulated than the one used on CNN. What if, in three years, Russia Today announces that the dollar is no longer a transaction currency in the Eurasian Zone and China Infrastructure Investment Bank becomes what is today the World Bank! When this occurs, there will be more actions like the one in Kumanovo where again we see the visible fingerprints of the organizers?! There we saw that the West and Europe did not feel bad about the Macedonian police while we mourn the victims of the terrorists in Paris! Which indicates that not even the cause for war will be the death of a soldier.
There is no use in starting a zar because of a man, he squandered his chance. So, the Third World War could begin if the Pentagon rockets the satellite of TV Russia Today. I have no doubt that, in this case, the Russians wouldn't respond by destroying CNN. Is there any chance that someone in the heat of the moment, calls the hot line and says enough !!! At the moment when in the atomic fire burns only the devil's work ?! " wrote Kusturica
(Telegraf.co.uk/ iskra.co)