DRAMA throughout the region: Serbia ready, fear is mounting that the war in Macedonia will spread to Bosnia and Herzegovina!

- We have information that the struggle still continues. Serbia did not send soldiers to the border with Macedonia for no reason - the work of creating this so-called Greater Albania is a goal that Albanians will never give up - said Lukac.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska Dragan Lukac has determined that there is a possibility that the armed conflict in Macedonia gets transferred to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina so he announced that police officers with which he commands will be on standby as they were in force since the terrorist attack on the police station in Zvornik that occurred in late April.

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Lukac told the "Press RS " on Monday, that the threat arises from  plans to establish a Greater Albania.

- We have information that the struggle still continues and it is not excluded that the terrorists will be joined by new terrorists in hopes of intensifying the conflict to a higher level. Serbia did not send soldiers to the border with Macedonia without a reason - the creation of this so-called Greater Albania is a goal that Albanians will never give up - said Lukac.

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He did not explain why BiH is an expected  target after Macedonia.

He said that Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska would do everything in their power to reduce terrorist attacks to a minimum.

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- This means that we are ready 24 hours a day to keep an eye on potential terrorists and their helpers, in order to thwart them in any possible intention to carry out their attacks - Lukac said .

He rejected criticism of the police operation last week in which thirty Bosniaks were brought in on the suspicion of being connected with terrorist activities.

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Most of those arrested were released, and for six of them custody was requested.

The arrests sparked numerous reactions and allegations that the fight against terrorism was organized pressure on the Bosniaks who have returned to live on the territory of RS.

Lukac's assessment was that these convictions were tactless, adding that his officers do not persecute Bosniaks but potential terrorists.

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- Those (objections) have absolutely nothing to do with common sense and are not true, because we were doing classic police work based on the information we had.We simply must not allow the possibility that some people, for which we possessed information that they are able to commit a terrorist act to really do so, and have not taken measures to prevent it - said Lukac.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ Hina)