All by herself, she managed to save up enough money playing violin in Knez Mihailova Street: Amazing Jovana won 1st place in Italy (VIDEO)

Effort, ambition and perseverance enabled her to save up enough money, which she collected herself, by amazing passerby with her great music, to pay a trip to the competition in which she excelled

Adorable ten-year old Jovan Savic took first place in the competition in Verona, all of which she managed by playing violin in Knez Mihailova Street and saving up money to realize her dream - she won in a competition of over a hundred child participants.

This little girl has already won two awards and the hearts of people across our country and the world.

Together with her mother, Jovana went on a journey that changed her life. The effort she invested will pay off - she will soon get a violin from the City Manager of the City of Belgrade.

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Effort, ambition and perseverance enabled her to save up enough money, which he collected herself, by amazing passerby with her great music, to pay a trip to the competition in which she excelled by winning no more, no less but first place!

Listen to this phenomenal girl!
