Russian-Serbian conference in Belgrade: Day of victory over Hitler's civilization heritage!

On the occasion of the 70 anniversary of victory over fascism and Hitler's Germany, the Russian-Serbian geopolitical site Fond strategic culture and the Museum of Genocide Victims from Belgrade organized a Russian-Serbian conference

This year celebrates the great victory over fascism in World War II. Serbia and Russia have made their victory over Nazi Germany to be an unprecedented event, for all time!

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On the occasion of the 70 anniversary of victory over fascism and Hitler's Germany, the Russian-Serbian geopolitical site Fond strategic culture and the Museum of Genocide Victims from Belgrade organized a Russian-Serbian conference in hotel "Moscow".

- The great victory of the Soviet Union and Serbia over Nazi Germany and its allies in World War II is a grand event, and not only of the 20th century - said Anja Filimonova from Strategic Culture Fund.

Filimonov added that the main objective is to get the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism be used as an excuse to round up view of the anti-fascist struggle in Russia and Serbia, and to underline its continuing relevance, as well as a better understanding of the threats that these modern Russia and modern Serbia, but also modern Europe, are facing again during the days of celebration of the anniversary.

The historical significance of the victory, a feat of the Soviet Union, a feat of Serbia, is a nationwide, general human and civilizational heritage, because then humanity is faced with human-hating essence of Nazi ideology and practice - said Filimonova.
