THE EERIE CRY OF THE MOTHER OF THE MURDERED SERBIAN POLICEMAN: The Muslims killed my husband, and now my son, pain is tearing my soul apart! (PHOTO)

- Only a mother knows how much this hurts, how it destroys the soul, to lose a son, and the kind, only last night we escorted to his shift, only to hear a few minutes later on the news that our Dragan was no more - laments the mother of the murdered Serbian policeman

They killed my husband, Nikola, on the doorstep of his house in his native village of Zeljova, near Banovic, from where they banished us without any bags in our hands, and now, in the middle of the police station in Zvornik, my loving son, Dragan (48), an amazing soul, says Stana Djuric to Novosti, the mother of the murdered police officer who was killed on Monday night by Neredin Ibric (24).

- Only a mother knows how much this hurts, how it destroys the soul, to lose a son, and the kind, only last night we escorted to his shift, only to hear a few minutes later on the news that our Dragan was no more - says this old woman, with incessant tears rolling down her face.

ZVORNIK- THE GUNPOWDER KEG: Because of Arkan and the Wahhabis, this city is a potential ticking time bomb in the Balkans! (VIDEO)

In the home of the family of the killed policeman Dragan Djuric there is sadness and pain.

This is the Wahhabis who was shouting Allahu Akbar and KILLED a Serbian policeman! (PHOTO)

- I have nothing, I lost my father in the war from the very same forces, now I'm losing my brother to those same extremists, and there extremists were extremists, we are no longer safe. Tomorrow, they may appear in schools, houses, what more can I say - says Andjelko Djuric, brother.

LATEST gory details of the terrorist attack: The Wahhabi shot the Serbian policeman in the forehead with a shotgun!

Neighbors cannot believe that Dragan Djuric was killed in this manner. I cannot believe that, as they say, evil has come to Zvornik. In his 47 years, he made no enemies.

( Vecernje novosti / Alternativna TV)