IS SERBIA THE NEXT TARGET OF THE Wahhabis? The terrorist attack in Zvornik caused fear in the region

Security experts on the occasion of the terrorist attacks in Republika Srpska agree that no society is immune to extremism, and that no security system can prevent the operation of fanatical individuals

The terrorist attack such as the one that happened in Zvornik can happen in Serbia, even though our security forces keep everything under control. Experts say that this terrorist act was no surprise.

Professor of Political Sciences, Dragan Simeunovic, points out that it is wrong to see danger only in the Wahhabis, but that the situation must be viewed beyond them.

LATEST gory details of the terrorist attack: The Wahhabi shot the Serbian policeman in the forehead with a shotgun!

- Of course, something like this can happen to us, but the risk should not be seen only in the Wahhabis, since the extremists have other options in Islam. What happened in Zvornik, was no surprise, because as soon as you allow returnees from the Middle East to spread, trouble is inevitable - explains Simeunovic for Nase Novine.

The president of the Forum for international terrorism prof. Milan Pashanski's opinion is that this was "brewing" for some time.

- This is now a situation where the international situation has to show consistency and to exert pressure on the government in the Muslim federation, because we know that from these same lines was the US embassy shooter. This is called white al-Qaeda, which in physiognomy are not real terrorists, but they are very suitable for performing terrorist acts in enclaves populated by Muslims - says Pashanski and adds that this is a situation that no security system can predict.

ZVORNIK- THE GUNPOWDER KEG: Because of Arkan and the Wahhabis, this city is a potential ticking time bomb in the Balkans! (VIDEO)

- Of course this can happen in Serbia in line with fundamentalism. When he makes his own mind up, there is no force that can intercept him.

When asked where in Serbia a similar attack of Wahhabis may occur, he responded:

- We know where the green itinerary leads - Kosovo, Sandzak, and further in Bosnia.

Because of the terrorist attacks in Zvornik, intensified security measures are in place in all countries in the region.

( Nase Novine)