WE MUST drive through the pedestrian zone: Replies Diocese of Backa after the arrogant driving of the priest (PHOTO)

- The official car was driving by very slowly in this part of the pedestrian area because of the crowd and the large number of small children who gather in the center of town every day - alleges the Diocese of Backa

On the occasion of today's writings in newspapers and portals that the priest drove arrogantly through the pedestrian zone in Novi Sad with the clergy vehicle, the Diocese of Backa for the SOC made a statement regarding the situation.

- After the start of construction work, of which the Diocese of Backa was not  notified in advance by officials of the Directorate of Traffic of Novi Sad, instructions were given that the cards enabling entrance into the pedestrian zone would be replaced, allowing cars of the Diocese of Backa, as well as other legal persons the right to enter into a pedestrian zone from the direction of Modena street. Given the fact that this decision may prove to be impractical, since the diocesan cars would have to go through a large crowd along the full length of Modena Street and Zmaj Jovina street, the Diocese of Backa has requested an alternative solution that competent city institutions defined as the ability to use the shortest part of the pedestrian zone (the beginning of Zmaj Jovina and a part of Miletic Street). It was precisely this route that the official car was following, which is shown in pictures of the unknown author - alleges the Diocese of Backa.

DRAMA IN NOVI SAD: Priests in a limo sped through a pedestrian zone, mothers fled with their children! (PHOTO)

Since the beginning of  construction on Republic Square, the Diocese of Backa has no other alternative than to reach their official premises and the residence of Bishop but solely through the pedestrian zone, where a large number of citizens come together every day.

- For this situation, the Diocese of Backa will not and cannot be held responsible. The "malicious writing" of given articles in local, but also national media can clearly be seen from "inappropriate and inaccurate comments" of published photos, as well as asserting that the official car was arrogantly controlled and that citizens, especially children,were forced to flee in the hope that they would preserve their lives and to save themselves from this dramatic situation - said in a statement.

However, the Diocese say the truth is completely different.

- The truth is completely different. The official car was moving along very slowly in this part of the pedestrian area because of the crowds and the large number of small children who gather in the center of town every day. On the pictures you can clearly see that, apart from the caring mother who picked up her child, all the others are standing completely still and patiently allowing the official vehicle of the Diocese of  Backa to pass, like any other vehicle that passes a pedestrian zone. The car that was parked along the fence of the Episcopal Residence (Opel Corsa), and very often the Audi wagon whose photo was published with the texts, but that is parked daily along the fence of the Episcopal Residence, are not owned by the Diocese of Backa.The Opel corsa is owned by our neighbor, who, on the basis of a disability has permission to park in the pedestrian zone, and another vehicle belonging to the owner of a boutique and a summer patio, said the Diocese of Backa in a statement.

The car driven by the priest that day is a used model, and worth between 8,000 and 10,000 euros.

- Finally, in order to reveal the real motives for writing this and similar anti-church articles, we will remind the public of the event when a famous local politician of one van-party raged across the pedestrian area of ​​Novi Sad, not with an official or private vehicle, but a borrowed snowmobile, and when local media stated that his rampage was shown as an act of heroism, bravery and a witty joke at the expense of the city authorities - warns the Diocese of Backa.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ 021.rs)