DRAMA IN NOVI SAD: Priests in a limo sped through a pedestrian zone, mothers fled with their children! (PHOTO)

The driver, a priest, honked at residents to signal them and children to get off the street while he was passing through, even though the street was one solely for pedestrians

Many of the Novi Sad residents were unpleasantly surprised when in the street of Zmaj Jovina, a pedestrian zone,  they heard the sounds of honks from a luxury Citroen C5 sedan as it passed by.

The driver was honking at citizens and children to get off the street, which is only authorized for the passage of pedestrians, with the exception of specially-sanctioned emergency  and delivery vehicles.

As seen in the photographs, residents had to remove children from the street so that the driver could pass as soon as possible.

According to eye witness accounts, the driver was constantly honking at pedestrians who were in his way.

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In this car, with a Novi Sad licence plate were two priests who, as told by witnesses to 021, were headed from the Bishop's Palace, where  a few other sedans were parked.

They turned into Mileticeva Street from Zmaj Jovina Street, and from there to Grckoskolska, a street that allows vehicle traffic and where there are parking spots.

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One of the Novi Sad residents, who made a series of photos of the priests in the limousine, said that the driver and his passenger were very unpleasant when they saw they were being photographed and exchanged a few words with him that were not in accordance with the teachings of the SOC (Serbian Orthodox Church) of which the passengers in the car belong to.

The problem with car parking at the Bishop's Palace and  Cathedral, which belong to the clergy has existed for years, but for unknown reasons, the city Service tolerates improper parking even though there are parking lots in the surrounding streets and the Fish Market plateau that can be booked only for the  purpose of church parishes.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ 021.rs)