A SUCCESSFUL VISIT TO SLOVENIA: Belgrade sells parking system to Maribor
Representatives of the two cities discussed the management of traffic, and "Parking Service" company presented Belgrade's system of control and text message payment in Maribor, which is recognized as the most advanced European system
The Belgrade delegation, led by the city manager Goran Vesic, the Secretary of Transportation Dusan Rafailovic along with the director of JKP 'Parking Service' Andrija Cupkovic, continued their visit to Maribor today, where they presented the Parking Management System of Belgrade.
A delegation from Belgrade met with Andrej Fistravec, the Mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, his adviser Igor Kos, the Chief of the Municipality of Maribor, Bojan Babic, and representatives of the Directorate of Traffic.
Representatives of the two cities discussed the management of traffic, and the "Parking Service" company presented Belgrade's system of control and text message payment in Maribor, which is recognized as the most advanced European System.
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The Mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, Andrej Fristravec, said the city's parking arrangements are still made by the purchase of ticket, that there is no option to pay via mobile phone, and that the city leaders of Maribor are very interested in the most advanced system of control and text message payment that is used in Belgrade.
The parking management system of Belgrade combines the functions of collection and control, it enables the parking carriers to manage the process of providing parking services and billing, and the user the option of paying parking by simly sending a text message off their mobile phone.
- Belgrade "Parking Service" is now offering our Belgrade product to other cities, opening up the possibility that it be exported to the European Union. By selling it, it will enable an additional influx of funds into the budget of the city - said City Manager Goran Vesic.
"Parking Service" director, Andrija Cupkovic reminds that last year, for the first time since the introduction of the zone system, parking services charged via text message have been done so by a Serbian company that won the tender and developed the software.
- Ten years since the introduction of the zone parking system in Belgrade, and payment option via mobile phone, for the first time ever, "Parking Service" has its own software for charging and regulating parking. We have the most modern system, which is used in Belgrade and is about to come out on the market. Our knowledge and experience, so-called "Know-how", will be offered to all interested local governments that wish to implement it - said Andrija Cupkovic.
The Secretary of Transportation, Dusan Rafailovic informed the hosts from Maribor with their intentions for further development of the parking system.
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- We will introduce a better system to guide citizens to parking garages and free spaces in the city. According to the analysis of the Secretariat for Transport, an empty parking spot in Belgrade takes about 40 minutes to find, and we believe that if we were to perfect the system, there would much less traffic in the city. We will continue to work and apply the guidance system in Belgrade. The introduction of such a system improves the quality of traffic management in the city,and reduces pollution -said Rafailovic.
In order to further improve the system, and allow users better service, "Parking service" is developing an Android application "Start - Stop" to pay for parking.
After Maribor, the delegation is travelling to Ptuj, in order to present this Slovenian town with Belgrade's billing software. The City of Belgrade will continue to promote the Parking management system in other Slovenian towns in co-operation with the Serbian-Slovenian business club.