City of Pancevo for six days without water, citizens supplied from water tanks!
Belgrade Institute of Public Health's results and other microbiological analysis showed that Pancevo water is still bacteria-free, but it is, however, undrinkable
Citizens of Pancevo cannot use drinking water from local water supply but drink from the tanks for the sixth day in a row. Authorities are hoping that the problem will soon be solved.
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Citizens are still advised not to drink water as it's necessary to wait another day to uphold the legal rule of three consecutive days of unspoilt water.
In her interview for TV Pančevo, local Institute for Public Health director Mica Saric - Tanaskovic stated that the results of other microbiological analysis of Belgrade Institute of Public Health showed that Pancevo water is still bacteria-free, but it is still undrinkable.
Given that the law requires for three three consecutive days of unspoilt water, it is necessary to wait until Monday for the eventual decision to officially confirm Pancevo water is drinkable.
Starting April 15 water from Pancevo water system is undrinkable, as the Department of Public Health found an increased concentration of chlorine during one of their regular controls.
Water may be used for technical purposes, and authorities from the local water supply network are having the water rinsed in order for it to have reduced amounts of chlorine, brought into the permitted concentration limits.