It'll make you laugh so hard, you'll cry: Here's how a funky Englishman experienced Belgrade! (VIDEO)
Here's how beautiful the Serbian capital looks through the eyes of an Englishman!
We all know Sting's greatest hit "Englishman in New York" and inevitably so have danced to the rhythm and sung along to the words of the song - it is inevitably this music hit that served as an inspiration for Englishman Malc Bridger, who was inspired by his stay in the Serbian capital and decided to record a song praising the beauty if Belgrade.
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Serbian singer recorded a music video in Jim Morrison's favorite spot! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
What you will notice in Mr. Bridger's song is that he has replaced Sting's words with Serbian words such as "beer- pivo", "brandy-rakija", "stuffed cabbage- sarma" and many others.
Have a listen!
For those of you who don't remember how Sting's version sounded like, here's a reminder.
( E.C.)