This is how the Earth opened up in the middle of Belgrade: Street flooded within 15 seconds! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
Members of Belgrade Waterworks have managed to, in the shortest time possible, stop the leakage of water after the disaster that happened today on the main water supply, in the Street Omladinskih Brigada on New Belgrade.
In the street of Omladinskih Brigada, the main water pipe burst, which is why there was a large amount of water leakage. Due to the great damage of the tarmac, a huge hole opened up, roughly the size of 30m2.
Traffic was briefly disrupted, and the workers of Belgrade Waterworks were immediately on the scene, and began repairing the defect.
- It all happened within 15 seconds , everything was flooded . One car was almost swallowed hole - says one of the witnesses of the scene.
The owner of the car that was swallowed by the hole, that occured as a result of the pipe burst, says for that he saw what was going on, but that it was too late to do anything about it.
Belgrade Waterworks informs that they have successfully stopped the water leakage.
Members of Belgrade Waterworks have, in the shortest possible time, managed to stop the leakage of water after the disaster that happened today on the main water supply, in the Street Omladinskih Brigada on New Belgrade.
The director of the Enterprise, Svetozar Veselinovc says that immediately after receiving word concerning the problem, workers of Waterworks went on site, and eliminated the problem.
We are working hard to solve the problem. Since it is concerning a large pipeline, in which, at the time of it bursting, had a pressure of six Barrs, and in turn created a large crater shortly after. The workers of Belgrade Waterworks have managed to successfully close the pipe within a half hour, and divert the water, to allow for less consumers to be left without water, said Veselinovic.
He pointed out that the complete repair should be done by 10pm, tonight.