AWESOME! Russian “Lada kombat” to be sold at an amazing price of 115.000 euros, owner explains it's not “one of THOSE cars”! (PHOTO)

- "Lada kombat" is a totally armored car, can withstand a rocket launcher attack (sawflies, wasps), ordinary bullets can do it anything. It is sheathed in titanium alloy 6 cm thick, further strengthened on the floor - says the car ad

The website of "Used Cars" featured an advertisement selling this Russian "monster" car at a price of 115,000 euros! This is a "Lada" - it's four years old, it has crossed 98,000 kilometers, has a Belgrade licence plates and its registration doesn't expire by January next year!

- "Lada kombat" is a totally armored car, can withstand a rocket launcher attack (sawflies, wasps), ordinary bullets can do it anything. It is sheathed in titanium alloy 6 cm thick, further strengthened on the floor. Its windows and windowshield are 16 cm thick and impenetrable as well.

The vehicle is a hybrid model which can travel on batteries only and for approximately 400 km. It consumes about 18 liters of gasoline . It is able to move under its own water supply oxygen and the vacuum is closed - says the ad for this amazing car.

The owner of this vehicle explains that the “monster” does not fall into the group of "dubious businessmen," that it is not "one of THOSE cars" and that he initially got the vehicles through family ties.

- This car features Belgrade licence plates. I drive it very rarely. It was a gift from my father in law who is a co-owner of the company that produces them in Russia for the special needs of Russian service. I am an ordinary man and this car serves me for nothing but driving to weddings of my friends or some friendly gatherings.

I drive "BMW” 318 of 1993 and I am not the person to drive such a luxurious car like this Lada. The car is in perfect condition. For any information be free to call, but know that I won't be entertaining prank calls nor I tend to explain things about the car to ditzy customers – said the owner of the car.
