Student showed up half-naked at the University of law exam! (PHOTO)
We don't have any information about whether the person from the photo successfully passed her exam or that we can soon expect her in one of the courts around Serbia
Internet news portal ''Beograd Nocu'' (Belgrade nightlife) published one very interesting photograph that perfectly depicts the state of our educational system.
Although there are no specific rules, and the dress code is simply every student's choice, this almost unbelievable photograph asked many questions like : ''Since when students come to their exams dressed like they are going to the disco?'' ,''how many girls come to the university like this?'', ''Do professors ask them to leave?'', ''Does this girl even know where she is?''
This photo was sent by the reader of ''Belgrade nightlife'', and he took it in the building of Belgrade's University of law, before exam?!
We don't have any information about whether the person from the photo successfully passed her exam or that we can soon expect her in one of the courts around Serbia.