Belgrade mayor receives European Federation flag in Prague

This marks the start of the organisation off the 2017 European indoor athletics championship in Belgrade, the city government stated.

Belgrade Mayor Sinisal Mali has received the flag of the European Federation, which was presented by European Athletics Association President Hansjorg Wirz in Prague.

This marks the start of the organisation off the 2017 European indoor athletics championship in Belgrade, the city government stated.

Mali promised that Belgrade would live up to the trust given, adding that the championship would help establish Belgrade as a good host and organiser.

He stressed he was pleased he had had the privilege of receiving the European Federation flag, and that the medals won by Ivana Spanovic and Asmir Kolasinac were a great introduction to the championship in Belgrade in 2017.

Spanovic won the gold for Serbia in long jump in Prague on Saturday, while Kolasinac took the silver medal in shot put.

Their medals provide even more of an incentive to do our best and make sure the championship follows the highest standards, Mali said, adding that the entire city administration would be involved in organising the event over the next two years.

( / Tanjug)