FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: Here's the present Chepurin gave Vucic for his birthday! (PHOTO)
The Prime Minister of Serbia got 'Experiencing the phrases' (By Svetlana Lavrov) which is about the importance of phraseology, the origins of phrases and the age of their creations and it costs 28 euros
The President of Serbian Government Aleksandar Vucic got a book of Russian phrases for his 45th birthday!
Telegraf journalist donated her hair to children diagnosed with cancer! Here is how you can make them happy too! (FOTO)
GREAT JOB KIDS: Silver medal and five commendations for Serbian mathematicians! (PHOTO)
Chepurin bought Vucic 'Experiencing the phrases' (Priključenija frazeologičeskich oborotov is the Russian translation) by Svetlana Lavrov.
In free translation this book describes the processes of modern Russian language. It has been written in humorous way and it is about the importance of phraseology, the origins of phrases, their age of creation and it costs 28 euros (can be ordered over the internet).